Laughed at by a President, Patronized by Senators – How Low Can They Get?

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has opened our eyes.  It wasn’t her intention to do so in the way that has occurred, but her testimony wasn’t for nothing.

We have seen senators on the one hand say that they believe her, but on the other that they don’t.  They conveniently patronize her as a pawn.  After all, a woman who is credible can’t be so on her own — she must be a puppet of adversaries.  Even Senator Susan Collins is one of these believers who doesn’t believe – a woman who thinks that Blasey Ford was assaulted but not by the man she is 100% sure did it.

Maybe Collins simply enjoyed all the public attention because we have no evidence to the contrary — far less evidence than the world has regarding the unfitness of Bret Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.  Blasey Ford opened our eyes to the real Senator Collins.

Blasey Ford helped reconfirm the crudeness, “low life” as he likes to say, of President Donald Trump.  After the hearing, he considered Blasey Ford credible and a few days later mocked her unmercifully.  What kind of person does this?  What kind of people follow his lead?

Then there’s the even-if-he-did-it-so-what club whose members believe even if he did assault Dr. Blasey Ford, it was 36 years ago.  Even if he lied under oath, the man was upset, they reason.  So, we might ask, why not leave him where he is?  Instead, they prefer to elevate him to the Supreme Court.

Dr. Blasey Ford  did her civic duty.  In the process, she reminded us that women cannot rest with regard to the issue of sexual misconduct or any form of equality.  They need to shirk labels like “mob” used by Senator Grassley and other senators to disparage their right to speak out.

We have unfortunately learned that if you are sexually assaulted you’d better write down every detail, tell your friends, and seek legal advice because otherwise you won’t be believed.  And you might be mocked and patronized by people with too much power.

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